Monday, April 27, 2009


i am so lucky to have met you :)


Wish said...

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Wish said...
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ilman said...

whos that person?...

c comel said...

eleh purak2 tanye. emmm. bocor rahsia kat cni kanggggg.! bwek.!

im heppi 4 u cha cha.


sicKo^ said...

who's that person? bocorkan lar...

hasimlong said...

ayah tak sabar2 untuk terima menantu kedua.Habis belajar dapat kerja bolih antar rombongan.

eddie alexis said...

like euww..
like dats goin to happen kan!
no no no! no rombongan whatsoever ye.
thank you very much

n.u.r said...

hahahha! fuad apa lagi.. ayah mesti tak kisah nak sediakan bas rombongan..